First of all, I dropped, and broke, my camera, my little Canon point and shoot and, shoot, I have missed it more than I thought I would. My Big Girl camera is heavy and hard on my neck and back and so I tend to not take it along in the same way and the camera in my phone is...well...not my point and shoot. And speaking of shoot, before it broke I discovered the first mint shoots up in my garden
and a stupendous beetle.
I had breakfast with Marge
and Homer
coached on how to blow bubblegum bubbles.
I scored some soccer shoes
hung out with a moose
despaired about graffiti on our school - spelling, anyone?
I have taken exquisite care of myself, said good-bye to the brother of a dear friend, and to the dog of another dear friend (f*ck you, cancer). I have felt a little prickly
had a hissy fit or two
washed my hair
and spied on the neighbours.
I ordered two bathing suits online and found they both fit - or fit as well as any bathing suit will on this morphing menopausal body (alas, no photos). I have purged clutter and paid my taxes, laughed one-sixteenth of the way around the block
slowed down
made peace, if not friends with the bandits
and taken a giant leap into the future, with one big toe still back "here" on the ground.
I have committed to two adventures these next two weekends which will find me travelling near and far(ther).
I have been absent, present and changing faster than a chameleon could accommodate his own cammoflage. And it's all been good and overdue and necessary.