To quote The Universe from my inbox this morning, "Time and space, The Ultimate Adventure". Some days it really does feel like that. I had a few moments this week when my inner core was an ant's eyelash away from going postal and I thought, "wow, this is what it feels like to go postal". Being such a spiritually evolved human being (*snort*), I observed the feelings, then poured myself another vermut and stepped up to My Most Recent Ultimate Adventure. Which was digesting this snippet from the timeline of history posted in my son's classroom.
Perhaps it is just semantics over the verb "prendre" (tr.: to take) and the negative connotation that overwhelms me to read it in this context. Perhaps History could be deemed to be
a subjective subject after all, couldn't it?

All this makes it so easy to segue into My Most Recent Observation of the Brazilian treehopper (photo originally linked by
Marie EVB Gibbons) and how it was most likely separated at birth from this:
the hair from my rogue, hormonally driven follicle pulled from my chin this morning, the recurring hair that I pull about once a month. I have already written about this rogue
here but looking back I see that it has grown coarser and more weapon-like over the last few years.
If I could sum up this Past Most Adventurous Week it would include my 12 year old Palm Pilot (the one holding all the telephone numbers and addresses that I consult from time to time but which was still the sacred cow of my recorded contacts) upped and reset itself, erasing the entire memory. All that displays on the current "Address" screen are the two 1-800 numbers for technical support which, judging from the age of this puppy, are no longer in service.
Dear Past, I hereby let go of you. Maybe a little under protest and in a state of confusion, but I acknowledge that it is indeed time to look ahead. Namaste.
Now, there's nothing like company coming to inspire an over due clean up. Other than my chin getting plucked, I can thank the
Queen of Arts for inspiring me to clean my toilet and for restocking my stock of her art/rocks.
This favourite person of mine
and I are all set for our summer shenanigans now.
But wait! Before you go, I forgot to show you the astonishing rainbow from two weeks ago
and much about my Thelma-and-Louise Arizona retreat like the 79 cent Big Slurp (32 ounce) unsweetened iced tea
the Mustang car rented, in true Thelma and Louise fashion, of course
the magic found in the garden
a dog named Belinda we spent two days with
beetles making more beetles
and a culture very different from my own.
I confess I am a little bit on overwhelm lately with big changes hanging over the future. Living the concept of constantly being in choice conflicts with the concept of not being able to control my situation which then induces panic attacks, usually in the middle of the night. It is kind of like taking responsibility and yet feeling as if I am flapping in the breeze. This life is not for the faint of heart.