Today marked the end of our outdoor soccer season. Boys, girls, all ages in playoffs. For Riley's age group it was almost more of a social event. The teams are all local kids but from far enough spread out that it means saying good-bye to some buddies until next summer. I still can't believe summer is unofficially over.
I used to play indoor soccer...yes, as an adult...and loved it soooooo much !
I was even one of our goalies....
and now at 45...oh lord, I can't imagine doing what I did at 35....like diving for a ball....amazing how 10 years can change a woman !!!
When did/does school start???
Take heart - the fall & winter sports will be starting soon! (Too soon.)
And although summer's official end isn't until the 21st, it does seem over - and went far too quickly.
That is a great shot of Riley's boots!! And yes, the parting of friendships until next summer. One of the things I have always loved (and still do) is the amazing friendships my sons have made through hockey, soccer and baseball. My 21 year old still maintains some of those friendships and my 17 year old's best friend was someone he met at 7 (played opposite this boy in soccer for many seasons and then for awhile on a rep team), but didn't reconnect with until age 15 on a hockey team. They now play together again in their final year of organized rep hockey. I have so much good to say about sports like this from beyond the aspect of good health. What will Riley do for his winter? Does he play hockey?
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