If we were meeting for coffee today I would tell you we squeezed in another weekend at our cottage, doing plenty. First at another lake and another beach with friends which was lovely and second on the petit train du nord bike path where we rode at least 20 kilometers.
We also spent enough time chez nous, welcoming back an old friend

I think he thinks he's hidden

but then we caught him on our own dock too. In fact we kind of chased him around in our peddle boat but I think he may also have been enjoying observing us as he never flew too far.
If we were meeting for coffee today I would tell you about this strange looking plane that buzzed our lake over and over.

Can you say, "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang"? And let me tell you that the deer flies are horrid right now, so horrid I picked up one of these

It's an electronic mosquito swatter. Or, make that an electronic "moisquito" swatter. (Doesn't anyone proofread any more?!)

Which must be why it also works on deer flies although it really just stuns them but it gives you the advantage to finish them off with your shoe whilst they lie there inert. If we were meeting for coffee today I would tell you I was laughing with a salesman in a sporting goods store on Sunday over this, The Executioner.

He said it was like my moisquito swatter only uber strength. And with a name like that, I believed him. And if I had had it handy I might have used it on this

which was flying around my bedroom one morning. Except he disappeared and then reappeared days later, spent. I would qualify all this talk about bug execution with the philosophy that as long as they are outside (where they belong) I tend to leave them alone, except for things that are naturally aggressive like wasps and deer flies.
If we were meeting for coffee today I would ask you if your kids are crazy for go-go crazy bones.

Riley is somewhat obsessed with them. And if you had never heard of them I would tell you that stepping on one of these is exactly like stepping on a piece of lego. But when you look like this

you forgive him once the swearing is over. And then I would suggest we go over to Amy's Lucky Number 13 and see what's cooking.

Very humorous post today! Your weekend visit to the lakes sounds very refreshing and relaxing. I love the great blue heron. I have not heard of go-go crazy bones (yet), but my daughter is crazy about those little Chinese erasers that come in all shapes and forms-- she was kind enough to give the sewing machine one to me. Hope you're winning the battle with the deer flies! Thank you for coffee, it was lovely! Have a great week!
I enjoyed coming for coffee - happy to do a drive through as I never have! Time by the lake sounds great but isn't it the way - even in beautiful places there are annoying bugs! Have you read Alain whatshisname On Travel - it's very funny about that. K x
Huh.. go go crazy bones? Never heard of them.
The flyswatter looks awesome, but the plane?! Crazy!!
Love that swatter !!!
Good luck with the Momma stuff.
I hope you find a cool way to cool off where yu can.
Big Love !
Just stopping by from Amy's.. So nice to visit you this morning.. I have to say I have never heard of those go-go crazy bones.. And I am a pre-school teacher.. But that really doesn't mean a lot. I don't know have of the thinks the kids bring in now days.. Hope you stay cool today..
Hugs, Linda
Remember to keep hydrated during the move. Thank you for letting me know what those bones are. I've seen a lot of them around.
No crazy bones around here but weren't these around a few years ago? Scratch that, many years ago...my boys had something like them.
Moving is no fun in any weather...I hope the humidity stays low while you are doing all that hot, hard work!! xo
For sure its sweltering here as well I can relate.Sounds like a lovely trip.Coffee is so good, if I would of know I would of brought some Baklava its a greek sweet.;)
The bugs are a pain.Im really bug food,they hit and run.I never heard of deer flies and here In Pennsylvania we have many deer.But here we call them deer ticks which are different.
Wishing you the best in the hot weather helping out your mom.
I will wish you some of our cool weather - but I'm not altruistic enough to trade for your heat.
I loved this picture of the "hidden" Grat Blue Hernia, as we've dubbed them. They are so wonderfully, improbably BIG after the finches, hummers, and even the wild turkeys that fly (or stroll) through our yard.
I do so love your photos... am still thrilled by the dragonfly earlier! ~M.
If we were meeting for coffee today it would HAVE to be ice coffee and lots of it. i love the diversity of this post. maybe there WAS a lot of coffee!
I love your optimism about moving in the heat rather than the snow! Also, I totally agree, insects belong outside, inside is my turf and they need to face the consequences of their trespassing!
Are you in TO????? Face to face coffee????
hello, my dear... what a stunning heron! soooo regal! and do NOT get me started on misspelling and the death of proofreading...*grrr* thanks for coffee :)
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