If you were coming over for coffee today, you would have to wait for the kettle to boil again because just after this nice pot of french press steeped, it got knocked over and I had to start again.

If you were coming in the door you would give a wave to our froggies who are getting in the habit of waving back

Once we settled in I would tell you I have been feeling at loose ends. Everything is back in full swing this week but despite my constant efforts at mono-tasking I am finding my mind struggling. Maybe it's because of the mono-tasking. Or because I've been spreading myself too thin. I have been percolating creatively but unable to finish one thing. I have so many ideas coming up and I get started and then get another idea that I want to get down and get started on that. I guess at some point the bits and pieces will come together. One thing that keeps running through my mind is the concept of choice and how I am choosing to spend my time - my seconds and minutes as well as my hours, days, weeks and months. It's also something that I can't quite put my finger on when it comes to describing in words so you'll have to nod and grunt and change the subject.
If we were meeting for coffee today we would undoubtedly talk about the weather and we would probably agree that although it's a little chilly, we have yet to see -30 which is quite common for our city in January.
I would tell you about yet another earring I lost yesterday but I've come up with a great idea - to start the lost earring depository. I have a drawer full of my previously favourite earring(s), of which I have one of each having lost its match to scarves and winter hoods and turtlenecks and I know I'm not alone. Imagine if we could put together all the single earrings and create a bank. It would work like this: you send in your one lonely earring and get to choose another from the bank. It just might work.

nice to meet you over coffee! i'm with you on my mind swirling with creativity, starting a project, then thinking of another ... i'm working on that one!
ughh...i hate it when i knock something over like that...i actually do it quite often! i think i know what you mena about having all kind sof creative ideas, sometimes too many but then i never really accomplish much i feel like. i think if i was more focussed and stuck with one thing it would really help though. have a great day...thanks for coffee!
Thanks for the coffee!
Hi Kimmypoo !
If I was sitting having coffee with you instead of sitting here in FLA having a glass of wine with some other girlfriends,I would give you a big hug and say a prayer with you for some clarity and a big huge dose of passion for something that makes your heart sing...
I know it will come to you,Beautiful one, I just know it will...
Hugs from afar for now.
first, i'd tell you that the second pot was worth waiting for, i always enjoy a cup with you! and i'd help you wipe up grounds...
i'd actually listen carefully to what you're trying to say about focusing on one thing and making choices with your time... a rather enormous concept when you get down to it.
i'd agree, and tell you that right now i can't even sort through the c-r-a-p on my desk and get it done with. meantime, my mind is swirling with half-baked ideas that i can't pay attention to until this mess is taken care of. i'd suggest you write or draw your inklings down so that you can come back to them later? mebbee i should, too?
i love your little froggies! my boys had two when they were younger and cuter and paid attention to little things... awwww, i miss that!
stay warm, and wear mismatched earrings. it will make people think you're really arty.
There are lil rubber thingies, yes, that is the technical term, that you can slide on the back of the earring to prevent them from falling loose. You can get them at bead shops.
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