I have started this post so many times that I don't know whether to offer you a coffee or a vermut. But since it's still morning and despite the sheer mania on my side of the pond, I'm sitting with a coffee. So, if we were meeting for coffee today I would say welcome to the Valentine Day monkey edition of Virtual Coffee! Do you see the monkey too? If we were meeting for coffee today I would feel like I have some 'splainin' to do, falling off the face of the blogosphere for two weeks. I would tell you it was a simple case of Overwhelm and I may not be completely over it yet. It's kind of felt like this.

My good and best intentions seem to get blown off the track and my focus shattered. Self-discipline is all very fine and dandy until things go viral. It feels as if life has taken me by the throat and spun me around a little these last few weeks - OK, who am I kidding - these last few months.
If we were meeting for coffee today there would be eight or nine things on your mind. I would start by showing you "8" (he kind of looks like a beatnik from the 60's - don't ya think?)

and then "9", I am choosing to see the sweet and wondrous side today.

If we were meeting for coffee today I would tell you that I survived another cub scout winter camp last weekend. But that I have 3-day/night camp hair to share

But before I get to the real nitty-gritty I would tell you about the optimistic leaders who had this as a schedule

and with all due respect to the ones who organize and work the camp, I would ask you if you think that shepherding approximately twenty-five 5 to 10 year-olds through the maze of "arriving" at an external camp that it would take slightly more than half an hour to get to point "B". And so on from point "B" to "point C". And really - "Walk outside"??? Someone forgot about the snow pants, boots, scarves, hats and mitts and factoring in the time for that. But really what I love is the sense of optimism, the quote unquote vision that this might, at all, be possible.
If we were meeting for coffee today I would show you some more photos from the camp weekend like the tubing hill and the tree guards at the bottom of the hill

If those trees didn't stop you, you might run into La Hutte

and if you were still screaming past La Hutte, a friendly sign would let you know you had gone too far.

I would show you the outdoor climbing structures

and the campfire, both during

and after
which kind of makes me think of a cub camp Stonehenge.
If we were meeting for coffee today I would tell you at camp I was given my new leader name, Raksha. It is the name of the female wolf who raised Mowgli, so you had all better watch out from here on in. And that my room mate, Bubbles,

had a bit of fun with it
Even my spellchecker wants to call me Rickshaw. If we were meeting for coffee today I would tell you that these
toe warmers helped me survive the weekend. They are little pads filled with something (probably toxic) that stays warm for 8 hours. But they kind of got stuck to my socks.
I would show you the houses in the woods

the natural mosaics in the snow created by our wacky snow-rain-snow-rain routine
the trees that welcomed us with open arms
and some classic nature shots.

I would tell you we had 5-star accommodations
but I was just happy that the bathrooms were in the same building as the bunks. Last year we slept in train cars and the bathrooms were across a certain expanse of land.
And you would probably say you had heard enough camp talk so I would tell you that I have proof I am the only one in my house who puts anything away or gets rid of anything.

This thing has been a test, to see how long everyone else will live with a pumpkin on the kitchen counter. Yup, four months and counting now. While we were in the kitchen I would ask you if you would use up the old garlic

before breaking into the new bulb. I hate to waste any of it, myself. And you would say that the one on the right looks like it has been around as long as the pumpkin.
And because I'm not an entire scrooge, I would offer you one of my raspberry tarts

partly because red is, well, so very valentine-ish and partly because I've eaten all the chocolate. Then I would suggest we go over to Amy's Lucky Number 13 to see if she has any of those little cinnamon hearts left.

Hi there! Yep, I was counting the days to see the 9 year old :-) And he's indeed looking like a changed man (ah, those eyelashes..)
And love your post-camp-haircut, we should all do that sometimes!
Happy Valentine's Day from Amsterdam
Oh happy Valentines day wolf woman and remember - never sexplain nor spologise. But good to see you back. Lovely photo of you looking so gorgeous. Great to see your trip into the snow world and I love the Au revoir at the end.
Having a child must be a great thing and one as handsome and charming as Riley is a gift from the gods. I smile just looking at him.
Hey - can't believe that parcel has got stuck! Like everything else at the moment. I bet it looked suspicious on x-ray - more exciting than when it's opened up. Well - let's see if it makes its way home. k xx
So happy to see you! The photos are gorgeous. I wish Riley belated greetings for his special day and throughout the year.
PS my word verification is chili~~
Such a delight to hear from you again! I was so glad to see your cup of monkey coffee! GREAT HAIR!!!!! that camp looks fun and good.....and Riley looks great. All good stuff.
Yes, the Scout Camp surroundings are beautiful (as are your pictures) but, still, you are such a trooper for going!
And if you veered off course for awhile re: lack of focus and being overwhelmed, that is so normal. The road we strive to travel is always waiting for us…
Best wishes to that precious nine year old!
Oh my, well I HAVE missed you but woman, you have lived more lives in this post than any of us could pack into a mere two weeks! First of all, you are SO my hero (and maybe the wind beneath my wings) for your camp adventures. What great memories you are creating ... for Riley and us all! And while frozen toes do not appeal to me, I secretly wish I could be with you for one journey down the hill if only because I cannot help myself and I scream whenever I go sledding. I think the boys would enjoy that.
And your 3-day hair reminds me of the singer from Sonic Youth - very hip my friend!
Warm, toasty hugs and heck, it is vermut time for me!
love you, you wild woman! xo
Oh. Boy. So that's what I have to look forward to as the boys get older. It looks a tad tiring, and I give you grand permission to have some alone time / girl time. Like shopping or drinking load of coffee / wine.
Thanks for coffee and have a great week.
So I know just last week we were talking about the not-so-fun aspects of camping...but that wasn't even factoring in camping IN THE SNOW. That's a whole new kind of hardcore. Does look like it was fun though! Mind you, I say that from the warmth of my office in the tropics, where the only snow I see is the white down of ash from the rice fields they're burning...
P.S. I totally use up all the old garlic before opening up a new one. As long as it hasn't gone bad, no sense in waste! :)
wow!! that camp looks amazing fun, but with 25 kids not so much... :)
love your new name - the jungle book was my favourite movie as a child - my grandpa took me 3 times :)
hope you're able to get some alone time in the next week to unwind and decompress...
thanks for coffee and the jam tart :)
Glad to know that the camping weekend went better this year than last. I still think you are one brave and/or crazy momma to take that on !
Hugs to your growing kiddo !
Love to you !
Thank you for a lovely Sunday afternoon coffee (like you, I've been AWOL with the blog reading thing-- haven't been able to catch up with life since around holiday time). I really love your photos and also your sense of humor about the overwhelm and chaos of life. The scout weekend looks like fun-- esp. the tubing. You have so much more snow up there-- we're having a pretty wimpy winter here in New England-- a few snowfalls that melted away in 1-2 days. Just this am my daughter and niece found some frog eggs out in the back-- I think the unseasonable weather has confused the amphibians, too. Nice to visit you again, after too long.
Did you say that you are 'choosing to
see the sweet and wonderous side'? NOT. It is starring you in the face day in day out. Each time I read your blog I start looking for excuses as to why I did not do such and such a thing with my children. Riley made a good choice when he looked for a mother.
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