Hello Tuesday. Good-bye January. It's time for Virtual Coffee! If we were meeting for coffee today you would be taking your chances because Riley is home with a stomach bug and we are just sitting on the sofa, watching some tv, reading some books and generally taking it easy. That's an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie which was my breakfast because I'm 51 years old and can eat what I want.
If we were meeting for coffee today I would tell you I have been feeling like I've been chewed up and spit out by life. I'm finding it hard to just go through the motions and I'm really needing more rest than usual. I wonder if the January blahs have caught up with me or if there is something else looming and gloaming. I am reminded of the old adage, "it's always darkest just before it gets pitch black". Whereas I'm usually the one telling others that this, too, shall pass, I have been having to repeat those words like a mantra as I slip and slide through these days and weeks. I would share with you a story which serves to remind me that things do, in fact, pass. It involves my friend's dog, Rosie, and Riley's red plastic lego ball.
It did pass and my friend was brave enough to, um, retrieve it, clean it up and return it.
If we were meeting for coffee today I would tell you the Queen of Arts came for a visit last night and got a taste of how scrambled my life is. She came bearing wine
and chocolate

two things that soothe many a savage beast. When she left for home, Riley and I dressed up

and went out looking for some snow because it has been kind of hard to come by this winter.

Rain and freezing rain has been on the heels of each bit of snow and not even the lake has frozen close to shore
but the grass is like an skating rink and the trees and bushes are encased in ice.
Even these guys are having an easy time of it.
In honour of the Queen's visit we left behind some rocks
and then I locked him back up in his cage.
If we were meeting for coffee today I would tell you we found two old bath bombs in the back of the linen closet and I would show you a bathematical equation. This
plus this
plus this

equals this
which looked an awful lot like the tea I was also drinking.
I guess it was because it was old, the bomb didn't bomb as much as slowly fizzle.
If we were meeting for coffee today I would want to share a few quotes that I have been meditating on, the first from Katrina Kenison which is, "Cast your lot with 'being' instead of 'doing'. The second from Goddess Leonie, "The person who is happiest wins". And then suggest we go over to Amy's Lucky Number 13 to see if she will rustle us up some of her Hillbilly Lattes.

Do I really have to wait to 51 before I can have any breakfast I want? I guess so ;-)
Thank heavens for friends who bring wine & chocolate, esp. Lindt!!
Good girl Rosie.
I have been 51 for a long time and confirm that one can have almost anything one wants provided one goes and gets it oneself.
LOVE the shot of Riley in the cage, what is it about kids and small spaces, I have photos of my kids in the dog's box too....with the door closed. Then again, what is it about Mom's that we want to take the photos?
I from Russia! Garlic lover too!
Kudos to the Queen for bearing gifts. Those bombs suck when they're old. I like Riley's hat; the cage not so much.
I LOVE that feeling of 'i'm a grown up now and i can eat what i want'. I still get a thrill when faced with shelves of chocolate and realise i can buy and eat as much as i want.
so much here to cheer me up - love the stones especially soar. but fingers are now too sore to type so this is just to say thanks for coffee k xxx
Loved our time more than I can say ! Even more than chocolate and wine !
You weave a sweet, funny, real-life, fantastic tale, Dear One.
Love it.
Happy Tuesday !
Love the kitty on the mug. Chocolate, wine and friendship ... rock!!! :D :D :D
Have a {{{{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}}}}.
Love your blog. And another quote that I fall back on occasionally: "If you're going through hell, keep going." courtesy of Sir Winston Churchill.
Sometimes I think I should be “doing” more in order to be happier and more content with “being.” I think I’ll be meditating on this one for a while.
BTW, excellent breakfast – oatmeal!
As always I love having coffee with you -- the visuals make me smile (especially Mr. Riley in the cage...so unexpected!) and the Fruit of the Looms on his head!!!
I'm glad you and the Queen had such a good time...soul sister time is some of the best and sometimes just what we need.
I'm sorry the man is ill...no fun at all. And I'm sorry that you are feeling like there is another shoe to drop.
Sip your coffee, eat your wholesome breakfasts and know that spring is on the way!!
I'm sorry you've been feeling down, but when good friends bring wine and chocolate, there's at least one reason to celebrate! And passing balls...well, there's a laugh! Anyway, yeah. I'm sorry things haven't all been on the up-and-up, but I do hope they'll turn around for you soon. Thanks for the coffee and the chat. I always do love your perspective on life.
Beautiful photos!
Oh my goodness! Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies are my favorite. :)
oh my dear, sending you love and hugs and virtual chocolate...
and bless friends bearing real wine and choc xx
just love all the pics - you must be the coolest, most fun mum around!!
*big hugs*
Thanks for the coffee and chat... my first visit here and it was an interesting one.
I hope your blues blow away soon and all is well for you and that gorgeous boy.
best wishes
I hope you and Riley are better now that we are 2 days into February. I thought I was the only one who knew things got dark before pitch black! Ah, we are soul sisters. And if I could, I would come bearing wine, chocolate AND functioning bath bombs.
Good to know oatmeal cookies are for 51 ... I've declared 49 the year Pop Tarts return (they are my midmorning treat at work ... you know, reward for actually hauling butt in ...)
xo Lis
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