With all the snow we've had the last 24 hours (and it's still falling) I had to bring out the heavy Canadian artillery - my beaver hat - The Thing to wear when shovelling. I would admit that I often forget that I am wearing it and only remember when people walk by and smile at me. I would tell you it started off looking like this yesterday afternoon

and by evening I figured it was time to shovel when I saw this.

Of course, everyone gets in on the fun because there's nothing like a romp in the snow after dark.
If we were meeting for vermut today I would show you my new Buff. With a name like that I had to buy it (and play with photo apps).

But when I take it off, it makes my hair look like this.

Which may, in fact, be an overall improvement.
If we were meeting for vermut today I would tell you I finally threw out my favourite pair of cheaters
All the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't put these back together again. And I would tell you about a scary moment I had cleaning out the fridge. I wasn't sure if this was really, really old mashed potatoes or some kind of stinky cheese
and since I don't "do" stinky cheese I had to ask the stinky cheese lover in the house. It wasn't stinky cheese. But on that subject, most people I know are happy that I've switched over to eating un-sulphured apricots.
If we were meeting for vermut I would proudly say that I have kept my promise to put myself higher on my to-do list this year and show you an ink dropper drawing I made

from instructions in Carla Sonheim's fun book, Drawing Lab. It's a wonderful resource for inspiration and stretching creatively. I have been gifting myself studio time regularly, showing up at my page and it feels good. Oh yes, and I have been taking the word "no" out and exercising it quite a bit and you know what? Nobody around me has starved or gone naked, and - I still have a job.
I would tell you that the people I live with have gotten creative about what to do with the empty toilet paper rolls.

At least they are changing the empty ones now but it would be nice if they would get creative a little closer to the recycle bin. A girl can dream, can't she? And I am wondering what they are going to do with them now that the plunger handle is full.
If we were meeting for vermut today I would show you this heavenly pot of Creosote balm that came in the mail all the way from The Herb Mother.

It came highly recommended and I can't wait to try it. The creosote bush has many healing properties including treating all kinds of wounds, parasites and unwanted growths (is there any other kind?). And let me tell you, if the jar was bigger, I would consider lathering up a few people I know with it. Buying more handmade products is something else I am putting as a priority this year. And then I would say let's go over to The Catalan Way and wake up Kate because I think she fell asleep on the train home from Barcelona again.
Last night the news said Sunday were are getting snow here It cold here and have to look at summer pictures to get the chill off.
Great post Kim! Great hat, great hair and I love the improvised drawing on your face!!!
Sorry about the glasses and I am impressed by the creativity of the men in the house...perhaps moving a small recycling bucket into the bathroom??? They'd still miss...doing basketball hoops!!
Stay warm...and pour another vermut..I'll be right over!! xoxo
Great post! Hat head is de rigeur this week! Thankfully, I don't shovel or have to think about it. That's what landlords are for! However, I heard him out there and went to see if the white sparkles had stopped and seriously, you wouldn't know he had been out there!
I laughed so much at this - love the hats and your wonderful hair and your humour.
I sent you a litte something btw but don't get too excited - i took you at your word about the small left behind things from Cornwall. Nothing as nice as a jar of creosote balm which sounds wonderful. Unwanted growths are always popping up over here!
Will really try to open the doors today to a VV but we are going to paint the kitchen. K xx
Oh, woman, you are too funny! Those toliet paper tubes are hysterical...bet you could get it into some sort of modern art museum. And, please, if you find a really large jar of that creosote, let me know, cause I've got someone in mind.
such a delicious, varied post. jealous of the snow - we have the cold but nothing to show for it. does the balm actually have the exquisite aroma of the creosote bush? one of the many things that make me long for the desert. for me hat hair is an improvement.
Today it's your ink dropper drawing that speaks to me louder than anything else.
And good on you about the "no". Make sure you sound like a broken record to keep away all who try to make you change your mind.
Oh this post is juicy! I love all your funny everyday bits and how funnily you share them.
So glad you are taking the time to love on your sweet self and get in some creative time. Yay!
Hugs to you, beautiful friend!
You have a really cute blog :)
Yay! I know you will love it. And I've got to try that paper roll thing...
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