Saturday, February 23, 2013

Toot! Toot!

I am tooting my own horn here, knowing full well how long it has been since I have posted.  My wonderwoman friend, Roos, is hosting a give away of three of my cookies.  Go over and see her, drop her a line of encouragement and enter her give away.  I urge you to become familiar with her circumstance and realize that it could be you in her shoes, as I was thirteen years ago.  Life is wacky and weird and having cyber support is tremendous.  Like Mother Teresa said, "Kind words are short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."


Sherry said...

Frida. I love that you are doing this for Roos...and I thank you for introducing her to us.

Roos said...

Oh, you and your words! Amazing and kind as ever (and do I love to be called Wonderwoman :-))))

The Bonny Bard said...

Awesome cookies, you made them?!
I shall go visit your friend, always wanted to meet wonder woman ;-)

The Bonny Bard said...

Forgot to say... I'm Moomser, don't know if you remember but you used to visit often and I commented here with that name.

The Bonny Bard said...

Forgot to say... I'm Moomser, don't know if you remember but you used to visit often and I commented here with that name.

The Bonny Bard said...

Forgot to say... I'm Moomser, don't know if you remember but you used to visit often and I commented here with that name.