Friday, June 25, 2010

Second Guessing

You can tell by this video all the stuff that is being processed from this last week. *sigh* At least I see/hear it. I am grateful we are being dealt the time to talk, to chew if off one bite at a time. For the greater population this is two minutes of b-o-r-i-n-g footage; but for me it is another step in our journey.

Some rock art from today.

And I do love a garbage man with a sense of humor. Or is it a sense of style?


Kim Mailhot said...

The video was very touching to me...seeing the three of you moving forward, one little roll at a time.

Love the rock art and how awesome to have a garbage man with an eye for art and a sense of humor ! There is truly art in everything...

I hope this Saturday is good for you, my lovely Friend.

Snap said...

Rolling right along ... all of you! Love the garbage art!!! Great tree.... How a lovely weekend, dear one.

oreneta said...

I love your garbage men, and that video was sooooo lovely....not boring for one little second.

beth said...

love the garbage cans....
i'm guessing humor....lots of humor !