Oh vermut, vermt, where have you been? If we were meeting for a vermut this afternoon I would show you this little ditty, my first attempt at using iMovie (heaven help me). I filmed it a few weeks ago then cussed my way through a few hours trying to get it into iMovie and the only reason I'm even showing it is not because of the cinematography but just because it felt like such an accomplishment to even bring it this far. I only wish I knew how I finally got it to load into iMovie.
If we were meeting for vermut this afternoon I would tell you I have mostly been absent from the blogosphere because of signs like this

which pretty much sums up what has been following me around this fall.
I would tell you my day started with these three fellas largely because I was tired of looking at them sitting on the counter since October 31.
If we were meeting for vermut this afternoon I would ask you if you believe me that this is actually soap

and some bathbombs.

Aren't they stunning? And I would tell you that I finally got a shot of this mural and if you use your imagination you can see past the graffiti and imagine it back in its heyday.

Remember when smoking cigarettes used to be cool? There is another building about to go up beside this one and soon enough it will disappear from sight which is kind of sad.
If we were meeting for vermut today I would ask you if you think this looks like deer antlers

and if you would be surprised to see this rose still blooming in my neighbor's front yard.

And I would say that owls really do follow us everywhere, this one we saw in Ottawa last weekend.
If we were meeting for vermut this afternoon I would share with you my rock from yesterday
and say I hope it spoke as much to the person who found it as it did to me.
And then I would suggest swinging by Kate's place at The Catalan Way to see if she is pouring today. Her place is very Zen at the moment so we may just have to pass the bottle around.
Here's to you, Kid! (buy one shoe and get one half off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) .........
Bravo, Ms. DeMille!
Love that sign – “Buy One Shoe...” – it certainly does express the wackiness of life.
You’re eating leftover Halloween candy...I’m well into the next holiday season...buying chocolate marshmallow Santas...a treat at the end of the day!
Half off...so typical!
I totally love you!!!! Great post - love the video and the piano music. We must meet one day for a real vermut. Big hugs K xxx
What's a bottle passed around amongst friends ! ;0)
Love that owls are finding you everywhere. And rocks that you need.
Don't take any wooden nickels, my Friend !
Love YOu !
(word verification = wingi = kinda cool !)
Just popping into say hi; I do love these virtual vermut meetings! You always manage to make me smile!
If I were sharing my Porto with you I would be telling you that I have been doing 'next blog' for three years and it's the first time that I'm gifted with a blog that I added to my favorits. What an inspiration you are!!!
For you and Riley http://youtu.be/IwQcOvXPQL4
Bravo! Look what you were able to do ... and with only one shoe!
And your stone-wisdom is exactly what i - and all parents! - need to remember!
raising a glass to you and all your adventures :)
xo lis
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