The card I pulled from my archetype deck today was Don Juan.

The shadow side of this says, "Using the power of romantic attraction for private agendas". And oh yes, I have. Not recently, not that I am aware of. But frequently in my late teens and twenties, often enough in my early thirties. Much, much less so in my forties. Maybe it's the benefit of age that has tempered that in me. But it has got me thinking about my attitude towards sexism. Do I expect a man to give me his seat on the bus? It's never going to happen, but that might be because of the selfish age we are moving through. I think in those kind of instances such as giving up a seat for someone who might need it more or holding the door open, it comes down to common courtesy.
I do have a bone to pick with the MAN (it must have been a man) who decided to instill daylight savings time on the population. I am just so dang tired these last few days. Turning the clocks back is supposed to give us one more hour of sleep but I ask you, do you know a woman who, in a busy house, is the one who got that extra hour of sleep? Kids don't really respond to it unless they are teenagers. I know it's only an hour but not only am I dragging in energy, I'm hungry all-the-time. There's me visiting the Don Juanita in me.
I'm with you on Daylight does me in for a good week or two before I feel adjusted.
And giving up a seat on the bus? I think that comes down to good manners and how we have been taught (or not) by our own elders on what is appropriate behaviour no matter our gender.
Well... even down here, where Macho Men are supposed to be well mannered, manners are being forgotten as I don't see them giving up seats or opening doors like they used to when I was growing up...
And on the subject of those cards... It is the first time I see them so I guess I have to do some investigating before I can comment :)
Have a good week!
Simple manners seem to have gone out the door. So sad. I like your cards and how you are using them. I'm not very verbose -- or have words of wisdom -- I'm yawning. ........
If I had such a deck and pulled that card, at this point in time I don’t know if I’d be pleased or running scared…
I was hoping the time change would put an end to my insane early waking hours. It didn’t. Thus, there are no pluses to it at all.
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