Recently in Christine Kane's weekly newsletter she listed ways to beat the descending dark days, one of which was to put out your bird feeder. Two days ago I did that as we love to bird watch. Early yesterday morning from the bathroom window Riley saw a black cap chickadee in it already and let me tell you he was so excited. We watched a couple of chickadees come and go for much of the day. It's amazing how somethi

ng so small can bring so much joy. My sister, a teacher-librarian in the Toronto area has sent us many good books since Riley was born, one of which is called, "That Chickadee Feeling" by Frank Glew. It's a story about finding the thrills in life, small and large and remembering them on a regular basis. Frank Glew is an environmental educator who also wrote a number of other children's books two of which we have and love, "Feed the Good Wolf" which is based on the North American story about good versus evil and, "When I Grow Up I Want to Be Just Like My Dog". I highly recommend them in these holiday shopping days. Books are some of my favorite things to give. This year, I am making my most important gifts (ssssh, I can't tell) and buying a lot on
Etsy. I'd like to encourage you to support handmade art. It doesn't have to be expensive, and they are one-of-a-kind gifts. So much to love about that.
Here, here on handmade. And you're right -- it needn't be expensive but it certainly is better than mass produced. I know some things, like toys and the latest "have to have" for children aren't going to be handmade, but there are so many others we give gifts to where handmade is perfect from accessories, to candles to something small for home decor. I'm even looking into thrifting for some ideas. Reuse, recycle (though it's been a long time since I've regifted!!!). :)
Handmade for all the big kids, books for the smaller ones, that is how Auntie Kim does it !
Love the sounds of this book ! Could be a great one for Katie and Thomas in LaConception where watching the birdies through the window is a common past time in winter. Chickadees are so sweet !
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