I feel like I should pull something out of my ass to put up today. It's just been so darn busy since Sunday morning. I went into the weekend thinking I had time, could take it easy blah blah blah. I had a three day weekend with Riley home Monday for a ped day. Then Sunday hit. Tornado. And it's all good, baby. Riley has been a peach, a real pleasure and fun person to spend time with. I managed to get rid of some of my old baby stuff (crib, high chair and booster seat, jogging stroller). Basically things that have been taking up space and I was hoping to find someone to fob them off on. A comment I made last summer to a neighbor ended up bearing fruit. Or rather, bearing space in my basement and garage. I'm happy and grateful. A few of the other things I find myself grateful for today is that we haven't had snow (to speak of) yet and after looking at some weekend pictures at
Kal's website that makes me very, very grateful. I am also grateful I found a financial adviser that doesn't talk down to me, returns my calls and takes all my questions as if they are intelligent ones. I am grateful I have found time for creative work lately even though the rest of this week seems like it will probably be a wash-out in that area. I am grateful we got over our last cold viruses quickly with little impact on our daily lives. I am grateful I have a job in these uncertain times. I am grateful I have friends who will listen to me even when I am tired of listening to myself. And on a more superficial note I am grateful that today when I went shopping for a pair of black pants for work, I found a really great pair (on sale too!) after trying on only two pairs (one store! Yay Gap!). But mostly I am grateful for seeing my fabulous, funny boy "on tv" tonight.

I found something else recently, I think I originally saw it on
Mir's website, then after ordering some I saw it again on
Andrea's. I had promised to make mention of it here, but I am hoping to make Christmas presents out of these, so I kind of want to keep it secret a while longer. I am going to test-run the ones I bought for our house and if they live up to the hype I won't be able to keep my mouth shut and I'll have to blab something. I am quite thrilled there are Canadian distributors of this product, the ones I ordered last week arrived in my mail box today, no extra duties to pay at the post office, no pricey US shipping costs and no border delays. Yay Canada!
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