I thought I had more photos of this in its metamorphosis. Sometimes I take pictures because it helps me see it from a different perspective while I'm working on it. I think in this case I was working on so many different things, and being sick and tending to a sick child, I kind of lost the thread. So in three stills, here's the thread of Owl Owl. Personally I think I need to lose a lot of the pink. So many of my bigger pieces go through an incredibly helpless,
unsave-able, butt-ugly phase, so I haven't lost all hope for this one yet. I do like a lot of the humor that has crept up inside. Collage, acrylics, ink, masks, caran d'ache sticks on 9 3/4 x 14 acrylic paper.

Despite being a morning with no alarm, I woke at 5:12 and was unable to go back to sleep. I tried for about an hour, then gave up. I have been on my feet since then with the exception of a bit of time to eat my three meals. And going steadily. So I'm quite tired now. Hopefully tomorrow will be a morning when both Riley and I sleep in a bit. He was quite unlike himself today, rather annoying at times AND has a lymph node poking out of his collar bone area which is rather painful. I'm hoping he's just fighting a common virus and not something that is going to put a cramp in our upcoming vacation, or - worse.
I quite like OwlOwl ...but owls are one of my favorite birds so that may have something to do with it! ;)
I think Pema Chodron is the *cat's pajamas* (as granny would have said). I love her voice and her sense of humor.
Hope Riley is ok and your trip comes off without a hitch.
I like your collage OwlOwl, it is a little pink, but I still like it - I like pink, so there! Hope Riley is going to be OK.
Thanks for posting that...neat to see the progression.
Don’t know if this was intentional or not but I like the capitalized CUS in cirCUS. (Because life is also the cause for a lot of cuss words to be uttered!)
My sister had an enlarged lymph node about a week after getting over a nasty respiratory infection. The doctor said it was part and parcel of the infection and that it would go away. It did. But maybe you should have Riley’s checked?
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