And the March page from the calendar I made in Karen's class:

And the first (finished, I think) piece for my OWOH give-aways:

The calendar page is so simple but I love the white on white oddly enough. This time of year I am anxiously awaiting a little color in the garden, the first bits of purple and yellow of the crocuses coming up through the snow but for some reason the white is just so darned clean looking (unlike the majority of the white outside right now). The quotes on the calendar page are, "You were born an original, don't die a copy", and "Know what's weird? Day by day, nothing seems to change. But pretty soon, everything is different". The second one is attributed to Bill Watterson, the first I saw very recently but forget who it belongs to. It was the first time I had formatted the photo vertically on the page and I was a bit thrown as to how I would place the quotes, but I think it worked out nicely in the end.
The OWOH piece was going to be on 4 x 6 watercolor paper, I was actually going to mail it (them) as a postcard but I found the size to be so rinky-dink that I started working on 5 x 7 and really quite like what has turned out. I am still working on the other OWOH piece. I started both at the same time and this one I really was stuck with for some time, then all of a sudden it took off on me. I got to experiment with my Tim Holtz stamps, masks and distress inks. Acrylic paint, collage, pencil and ink on 140 lb. watercolor paper. It is untitled as yet but I am open to suggestion.
I like the OWOH piece a lot. Riley is a hoot! Calendar looking good! You go girl!
I love the calendar and your mixed media piece for OWOH.
More attitude pictures! Love it.
Can’t think of a title for the OWOH piece but it makes me smile – I see hope in those images.
P.S. Thank you for sharing with that comment you left.
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