I was gifted this incredibly beautiful book recently. Have you see this?

It came to my attention that a Spanish edition of Eckhart Tolle and Patrick McDonnell's stellar book, "Guardians of Being" had just come out. I couldn't believe that I had missed the original English publication in 2009 even though I am a big Tolle fan. So under the rubric of "ask and ye shall receive", I came home to a copy of the book in my mail box about two weeks ago. The collaboration of Tolle's teachings and McDonnell's drawings is a magical match. I laughed at many of the illustrations, so close to my heart they hit. The pages are filled with Tolle's ideas and observations on what function our pets and nature fill in our human lives. McDonnell takes these ideas and boils them down to their essential essence with stunning lines and vibrant washes of colour. Am I gushing? I was trying to choose my favorite line in the book, there are so many that resonate with me, but I think this is it:
"The vital function that pets fulfill in this world hasn't been fully recognized. They keep millions of people sane."
I highly recommend it if you are looking to treat yourself or looking for a gift for someone. I can already think of two people who will be finding it under the Christmas tree this year (indeed, I have already started my shopping, but that's another story).
"The vital function that pets fulfill in this world hasn't been fully recognized. They keep millions of people sane."
A big AMEN!!!!
My kitties and that sweet Chica-Lulu are definitely my therapy animals ! Made me think of a hard day I had not so long ago where I spent the day in bed. All three animals were in the bed with me. Together we formed this circle with such a gentle loving energy...I know it is part of what got me through to the other side.
Thankfully, many of us are starting to recognize their vital function !
You are wonderful, My Friend Kim. Big Love to you !
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