Betcha didn't know that it's International Lego Day.

See? It says right here on our calendar.
This day was planned awhile back and the boys are having so much fun, we've decided to declare another one next March. The rugs have been rolled up and they are only stopping for lunch.
Before the whole thing kicked off, Riley and I took a walk by the lake, something we haven't done in quite some time. This guy was completely oblivious to the fact that he shouldn't just be hanging around, he should be getting out his legos.

And while you're at it, when you're dreaming, why not dream BIG?
Right now I am dreaming of finding one measly plastic orange duo-tang with crimps and inside pockets. One like this.

Yes, I have one but I need two. Actually I need two each in the colors of red, black, light blue, dark blue, yellow, green and orange. Finding the school supplies this year has been like going on a treasure hunt. I ended up emptying and cleaning up the folders from last year. They are a little beat up but they are plastic and have both crimps and inside pockets. But it seems only one orange duo-tang came home at the end of June instead of two. What would be dandy is if the schools would liaise with the stores and see if they can't order up what parents need to buy. An even better idea is a school committee to prepare packages of the needed supplies at a fee, goodness knows I would still save a bundle between the cost of gas and my own time. Or how about this: I supply the kid and the enthusiasm to learn and the school supplies the rest. Dreaming? Maybe.
My and my son went to Legoland Windsor a few weeks ago - what a place! They had whole cities made of lego and even the building where I used to work at Piccadilly Circus in London. We are lego fiends in this house - everywhere you turn you'll find a piece!!
Gotta keep dreaming...
Happy Lego Day, Riley and friends !
my teenage children used to love lego! lovely shots here. I saw your blog name on the madeline bea 365 link
Darn! I missed Lego day!! I love it - if I ink it on my calender, then it has to be so? Will this work for a "annual send mommy to the spa day" this friday?
After reading about your scavenger hunt, I am very grateful for my PTO group that did provide the service of putting together school supply kits for each grade. I was a-sea in paper work and that task would have put me over the edge!
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