If we were meeting for coffee today I would say, "pull up a chair" 'cause I have lots of visuals for you today.
I would first cry a little about the obscene snow fall last night around dinner time.

My lonely trash bins on the curb since last Friday when the city neglected to pick them up.

And the doily-like evergreen I see from my bedroom window.

It certainly didn't stop the Mister

and Mrs.

from stopping by for dinner. She's got some great hair going on... But really. Enough is enough for the 21st of March, n'est pas?
If we were meeting for coffee today I would bring out the green. Oh the green we saw on Sunday when Riley and I marched in our St. Patrick's Day parade! We were there with the scouts and it was the first time I got such a look at my city. It almost made me fall in love with it for the first time. Almost. Notice all the people in parkas? Not much green to see here unless you own a green coat.

Riley got to carry one of the flags which, let me tell you, was no small feat.

This was my favorite shirt, even though it wasn't even close to any shade of green I know.

But there was plenty of green everywhere else. Like the horse with a dandy necktie, eating its oats which would go quickly through his system, leaving little things to dodge as we walked the green stripe down the road. Maybe they should have put another bucket on his other end.

And the walking shamrock

How about the world's Largest Leprechaun?

There was green hair

and green hats

some jammin' bagpipes

and even a green greyhound

right down to its toenails. Oh the lengths some people go to!

If we were meeting for coffee today I would ask you if I am the only one who thinks that putting a mini-bus for a local funeral parlour in the parade is a little, um...morbid?

If we were meeting for coffee today you would want to finish your cuppa and muffin before I tell you that last week, on one of the days Riley was off school with The Pox, we dropped in on a home school seminar. And in case you would tsk tsk me about exposing other kids to The Pox, I would say these guys were gagging for it, so anxious are the parents to have their kiddies get The Pox while they are young. Now you have finished your muffin, I would tell you that Riley got to hold a cow's brain after a presentation on how the brain works by a couple of University students. Can I say, "cowabunga dude"?!

If we were meeting for coffee I would let you tell me about your week since I've pretty much monopolized the conversation so far and then we would head over to Amy's because we are just in that kind of a mood today.

Did you hear me groan for you and your snow? Because I did so ... very loudly ... and in sympathy because today is supposed to be in the 70s and then this weekend ... yup ... snow and cold.
Sigh. Your white feet and my bare legs will have to wait a little longer for that sun ...
But what a great St. Paddy's day parade! And cow brains? Wow! My girl would be impressed by Riley's bravery.
xo Lis
Thank you for coffee! I love your photos, felt like I was at that parade with you and those bird photos are adorable! Sorry about the snow! Our weather is not as extreme, but we did get a bunch of rain. First 2 days of spring brought with it some crazy weather...I guess Winter is not prepare to leave!
The cow brains are the total highlight of this morning's coffee!!
I have to concur with the others. The cow brains are the highlight of this mornings coffee for sure.
And the parade. I love those pictures! What wonderful magical moments.
Also, I feel your pain. Snow blows... literally and figuratively.
o! the birds!
i know it's spring but
what a lovely juxtaposition...
birds and snow.
Thanks for stopping by my blog fellow tribe member! Like you, my body responds better to warm weather (though I'm not so ok with the sweating), I do love a bit of winter, however. Just a bit though :) I'm sending Spring-like thoughts your way!
Why the heck would a funeral parlor need a mini-bus? "Hey everybody! Let's all load up on the bus and head to the funeral!" Weird. And the cow brains? I don't think I can even verbalize how much that disturbs me.
Oh and about the ning site... yeah, it seems to say there are tons of responses, but in reality you only see a few. I'm thinking it's just a glitch? I haven't posted anything in the about me discussion. I need to get on that! :)
Yep, I shed some tears for you when I saw that snow...so sorry, so very sorry. At least when it snows this late in the year it doesn't stick around for long...hopefully.
As for the giant leprechaun that kinda creeped me out more than the brain. :-)
Have a great week and may spring finally find its way to your doorstep.
I'm GREEN with envy! Except for the snow. The cardinals though....
We got a nice inch or two yesterday too but it is all melted today, Thank God. Just one big final raspberry from a really unkind winter, I think.
How fun to be a part of the parade ! I have witnessed many from the sidewalk but never from that perspective ! Go, Green !
Gotta make a plan to have that coffee in person one day really soon...
Hugs, Kimmypoo !
we got spring snow to but it kindly left by the end of the day. I love Mr and mrs cardinal. they look so cute. Fun seeing the parade from your vantage point.
Painted green toe nails? Fabulous! Im sorry about your bad weather....the sun will be there soon....i hope...:)
Um...wow, on the cow brains. Looks like a great parade! love the green greyhound!
Great photos!! I feel like I was right there with you. Great photos -- except for the snow ones!! blah!! We got some of that yesterday as well...thankfully most of it had melted by this afternoon!
great coffee and photos! looks like a successful and fun parade!
Great pictures! Fun parade!
Bus from the funeral home. Somebody is involved in some "grave undertakings." Non? Peut-être?
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