Hello March and toodle-oo February. If we were meeting for coffee today I would say I'm not sorry to see the back side of February and that when I turn my calendar over at the end of January I always look at that new page with a bit of trepidation. Mind you, March has a bit of a reputation around here too...
If we were meeting for coffee today you wouldn't get away without hearing the saga of The Smell. I have been battling The Smell all winter where I work. At first I thought it was me, well - my shoes. So went and bought another pair (aren't they dandy? - my first memory foam shoes!)

but The Smell persisted. It may be the carpet as it looks like it was sometime B.C. since it's been cleaned.

It also may very well be the shoes of the woman who works there the other three days a week (I'm only there for two days). Is there a tactful way of mentioning this? Usually people aren't as bothered by their own body odours some even, um, enjoy them. One thing I can tell you is I am not going to put my own nose in her shoes to see if my suspicions are correct. If we were meeting for coffee today I would tell you The Smell is starting to affect the quality of my work which is kind of scary.
If we were meeting for coffee today I would tell you that the highlight of this last week was my bath bomb on Saturday night.
Yeah, I'm living the dream alright. And that dream leaves a tenacious ring around the tub.

If we were meeting for coffee I might be brave enough to show you some experimenting I've been doing in the studio with paint and collage. I have needed to shake things up a bit with my work but I'm still uncertain where it is all going. You might tell me to just keep moving forward and offer some encouragement. We would talk about how these are some of the hardest days - the ones when you need to keep putting one foot in front of the other with no sense of reward or progression. I would speak the obvious, about how we are all so very winter-weary and how my spirit really needs to see something growing up out of the earth. We might confess the date the last time we shaved our legs since, who is going to see them anyway?
If we were meeting for coffee today I would tell you I have one more birthday celebration happening this week (ssssh) and I had best go and get in the kitchen and start preparing the goodies as I am really running out of secret time.
But if you're still looking for some company, Amy's Lucky Thirteen has plenty to offer, moccacino, frappacino, double-double and a bit of tea too.

If we were meeting for coffee I'd be serving instant (I have NO class) or offering you tea... I hope you like Jasmine, though there is some miscellaneous herby things up in the cupboard. You'd be wet from coming through the rain, but I'd turn up the heat. And we could sit together and wonder when spring will make an appearance.
pour me a cup - i want to look at the collages! finally remembered virtual coffee on the right day!
Smells get to me so quickly.... I don't know how you've dealt with it for so long!
I work with teens...the smell can be astonishing sometimes, honestly.
I feel for you.
The collage work? I'd love to see what you're up to! Show and Tell?
I want to come have coffee at your house ! I think it is past time for a Kim-a-thon ! Another casuality of winter - my visits up North. I will make it happen soon, I promise.
Sneak some deodorizing stuff into the office ? Wear a scarf with your favorite scent near your face ? Quit ? ;)...
Miss you and your art ! Show pics when you can !
Big Hugs !
My coffee mug is nearly empty and I haven't seen a picture yet. Do you think maybe you could snap one for Wordless Wednesday? That would be so cool.
I could not function in a bad smelling place, my nose is too sensitive for that. So happy to have my own office.
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