Well here we are again, coffee time. If we were meeting for coffee today I would have to moan about the weather. You know, it's either rainy or cold or both. I have yet to see one tree unfurl its leaves, they are still balled up in tiny fists, not giving over.
If we were meeting for coffee today I would tell you to please, please, raid Riley's stash of chocolate or else I will be looking at it until next Easter. He will just hold on to everything. He does love his stuff. And speaking of Easter, everyone in the house got to wear the ears at some point.

Even the four-legged beastie.

And I would show you another seat of ears tried on

from this store

where we popped in last Friday during our one-day trip to Quebec City to meet up with some extended family. I would shamefully admit that despite my 50 years living in this province, I had never made it to our provincial capital other than flying through or strictly for work. So it was nice to a) have a sunny day (even if we needed hats and gloves) and b) spend some time walking around and drinking up some history. I would admit that we only got lost once or twice and like a little kid blame the co-pilot. I would tell you I heard an astonishing amount of English spoken par tout and saw a record of number of Canadian flags flying which tells me that the politics are a lot more tense in my own city.
We had a leisurely lunch at a place that was more shi-shi-poo-poo than I usually eat in. From their kids' menu Riley ordered the grilled cheese sandwich which came in a fancy bread roll with a thick slice of ham in the center. You can imagine how well that went over. Good thing he lives on air on an ordinary day. And he could fill up on these little piggies for desert.

I was eyeing that gi-normous bottle of wine and it was a good thing this cool cat was standing close guard.

After lunch we walked around the small cobble stoned side streets, (um, yeah that's snow you see)

gawked at this incredible mural,

admired many of the sculptures,

and climbed a cannon or two.

I thought this sign read, "F.A.Q." until I got home and had a better look at the photo.

I kind of like the idea of having one central place for all my F.A.Q.s.
If we were meeting for coffee today I would admit that I have been feeling very introspective lately. Which has meant I haven't even been feeling like blog posting. I am coming to the end of a very intensive 6-week painting class that I have intentionally not talked about and I think this has driven me so deeply inward. I have to be constantly reminded to NOT compare myself with others, especially bloggers who seem to accomplish so much more than I. No matter how much I discipline my time, I feel a lack of getting things done. Some days it matters less than others. And other days I get overwhelmed at the futility of doing just about anything and it takes every ounce of energy I have to hold my center and to just let life happen as it will and be at peace with that. Maybe it's the 7 month winter we are coming out of and the spring that has been holding out on us. I am aching to walk barefoot in the yard, sit in the sun for a few minutes and feel my bones warm to the core.
If we really meeting for coffee today I would tell you I am so glad that mercury went direct on the weekend because frankly I am quite over all the shenanigans of the last three or four weeks.
And before we trot over to Amy's Lucky Number 13 for some of that froth she is steaming up for her coffees, I would show you a couple of other "firsts" that happened to us this week.
The first hyacinth in the garden of yours truly

and this little lady who was trying her darnedest to camouflage herself.

Now, despite the dire weather forecast for the entire next week, I am going to try to find a little more spring for our next virtual coffee.

EVERYONE has their own path and rhythm and pattern of working....heck, Leonardo only completed 6 paintings in his life, if my count is correct.....
Hope the painting class has been more good than bad, I have taken some I come away from discouraged, or adolexcently defiant and it takes me a while to come away and settle back into myself and see what I have gained from the class....I usually look at two categories, technical skills and inspiration, the other crap I leave to the side. If I can. Comparison can be so harsh.
I very much enjoyed your excursion!
i'm sending you some virtual warm sunny 80 degree coffee from the city. it is purely gorgeous out today and what i'm doing inside online is a question for the oracle.
(love the moose ears)
I love that in a few weeks we really WILL be meeting for coffee!!! xoxox
I haven't been to Quebec City and must do that -- sheer beauty and history. Amazing that it is less politically motivated than your city!
I hope you'll share about the painting class in the coming weeks. Even if you don't share your work, it's interesting to hear about a process.
And love those bunny ears...the dog looked thrilled! And Riley is getting so tall!!
(p.s. we'll avoid shi shi poo poo when you are here!!! lol!!!)
I always love reading your posts. You always have the best asides, if that makes sense. :)
I'm in shock at the snow in Montreal. Seriously, we've been thinking of moving to canada but snow in April? Can't do it. Just can't. Brrrr.
Thanks for coffee!!
I do think we need to be gentle with ourselves ... this seems to be the year when winter never let go and I know the continual cold and grayness has seriously eroded my joie de vivre never mind energy to get the most basic of tasks accomplished. And Big is pretty intense.
I come here and always marvel at what you do in a week ... all that you take in, create and the beautiful life you have with your family. I know the wonder of the internet is all the inspiration and the danger is tendency to start comparing oneself to another.
A big lesson for me ... one I keep forgetting ... is to respect my cycles. I tend to believe I should be doing 24/7 (isn't that the beauty of a blog? Someone comes and see all this stuff we slap on it but the wide gaps between those moments often is edited out or appears less prominent to the reader whereas to us, it is painful) ... crazy, crazy notion. I think I am eager for winter to be over as my emergence from hibernation has been long and drawn out.
yeah, some days we just have to hold on and hold out ... these feelings, these moments they will pass ...
Sending sunshine your way!
xo Lis
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