And even though they smell pretty raucous, the porcupines were very funny and very curious about us.

This caribou reminded me of my old English Setter - the extra long nose, flappy jowls and sleepy smile. See the resemblance?

And why just one eagle when you can have both a bald and a royal?

But I think the otters win for being the most entertaining.

If we were meeting for coffee today I would have to tell you about something magical that happened to me this week. For the last year and a half I have been leaving The Rock Fairy's rocks around town. I do leave them far and wide but mostly I have a few favourite spots down by the water where I walk the dog. On two separate occasions, Riley and I have "found" hearts on our walking path, once stamped in the snow very early (I mean VERY early) one morning just before the sun rose

and on another occasion in May made from tulip petals.

Anyway, this weekend, in the same nook of a tree where I often leave my rocks I found this:

I would swear up and down the flagpole that it is one I left behind at some point. I scanned through my library of photos looking for it but to no avail. I feel as if there is a kindred spirit in my neighbourhood, someone who thinks similar to me. It may or may not be someone I know since the rock project is kind of quietly kept between Riley and me. It feels good and a little creepy at the same time.
If we were meeting for coffee today I would tell you that yesterday was the first day this year I went all day without gloves. Then I would ask you if you think those firming body lotions actually work because I am starting to see those same puckers on the inside of my elbows that my grandmother used to have. I haven't grown her arm flaps yet but I'm sure they are next.
If we were meeting for coffee today I would tell you about this huge tsunami made up of parents from Riley's class reacting to the cancellation of the reading project I mentioned last week. I am so proud of and moved by these people getting together and trying to DO SOMETHING about this and at the same time I am so grateful that I can ride along on the wave and not have to lead it. There is a regularly scheduled parents committee meeting tonight at school and we are going to be there in droves. This principal is in for a big surprise. I'll have to tell you how it all turns out next week.
If we were meeting for coffee today I would tell you I have been shopping for a new bike for Riley as he has outgrown the one he's been on for the last two years. While looking on craigs list, I found one for me (isn't that always what happens?) - it's a vintage one with a basket and streamers and I can't wait to go and see it. This is a horrible photo and I'm hoping that fact is keeping any other potential buyers away. Apparently the streamers are removable but why would I want to? This is exactly the kind of bike I imagined myself riding around town when I turned 50. When I turn 60 I am going back to a three wheeler with an enormous basket in between the two enormous rear wheels.

OK, then let's head off to Amy's Lucky Number 13 as Riley will be home from school soon and all I have been doing is yammering on here. I hear her magnolia's are in bloom!

Oh lovely lovely post - yes your dog looks like the caribou(or the other way round?) and the hearts are wonderful. Great idea with the little rocks and such a good description of your reaction - it was nice....but possibly creepy too! Perhaps it was the words "I know...'
Today I put your blog link on mine - and I borrowed the virtual idea but just for once I promise - I really needed someone to have a drink with me and a chat. The blog was the only way to get it so I did a virtual vermouth and I hope you don't mind! won't be repeated - perhaps I can have real people next time. All the best Kate x
Finding that rock is very cool and a little creepy, I'm with you on that one, to say the least, and I am in love with your bike...well, hopefuly one day to be your bike. Ah. Kind of like those dutch ones, no?
Streamers on the handlebars? I LOVE it! I so hope you get to own it. Spooky rocks....very, very spooky.
I love that you found that rock!!! Perhaps someone who has seen the ones you leave and wants to do the same, put more love out into the world and maybe the person hoped you'd find it!
I can see you on that bicycle and the tricycle when the time comes...I love the idea!!
This was a great post, filled with the wonder of your week...
And I'm laughing about your elbows...oh I know!!!! How are we turning into our mothers/grandmothers??!? Make it stop!!!! ;)
Lovely pictures, especially the white wolf. INteresting thing about the rock. I am sure there is a kindred spirit out there. Maybe you will meet one day soon.
Don't know who left that rock but that is definitely the Rock Fairy's hand writing. Could It be that another person who has received rocks lives near by? Possibly but no one I can think of... Not creepy but intriguing to me...
Can't wait to hear about tonight!
I love the idea of streamers and a basket for you!!!! Want pics!
Hugs, girl friend!
Okay, I wish I could say I snuck up north and left you that rock! What a great story ... what a great idea!
And I love your animal pictures/stories. Oh, we are kindred spirits! I am a total sucker for otters but that porcupine is pretty amazing.
I was feeling pretty blah today, but you have lifted my spirits! I need to paint some rocks and get busy.
Oh, and the 3 wheeler? that was my mother's dream! She never rode a bike, but when we had a beach house she coveted the 3 wheelers. Why did we never buy her one? I may have to get one and then I will peddle on up for coffee.
xo Lis
Your blog is lovely. Thank you for sharing.
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