When the winter started I had plenty of birds at my feeders. Lately they aren't being emptied so fast and the only ones I have seen are Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal. I suspect there are some spoilers in the neighborhood, offering better fare than my black sunflower seed. My grandmother used to put bread smeared with peanut butter out in the winter, to put some oil in their feathers she said. Suet studded with seed is popular but not something I can offer as my dogs eat the droppings and end up with the turkey trots. I must say I feel a little slighted and that the Mr. and Mrs. are humoring me, tossing me a bone, by gracing my feeder. They are beautiful though, so I'll take them any way I can.
The Joy of Art – January 21, 2025 at 05:13AM
18 hours ago
Beautiful shots of your guests !
Perhaps you've got the most beautiful visitors!! You certainly managed some great shots of these two.
Beautiful photos! My mother would hang her clothes out on the line, and one cardinal always flew over when he spied her. They had quite the conversaion each time!
I'd be happy to have them....such a lovely blast of colour and life!
Perhaps that beautiful twosome deliberately scared all the others away - wanting you and your gift of food for their very own!
(different perspective...)
Mr. and Mrs. must enjoy their time at your place -- not as busy and they can get something to eat! I've noticed when the cardinals visit here, they try to do it when the rest of birdland has gone to visit elsewhere.
Beautiful photos!
Oh these two are wonderful to see. I don't get to see any cardinals where I live now so I appreciate seeing them any way I can.
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