Wednesday, March 11, 2009


It was my second (and last) day of the week at work today. I was working hard, cruising along and glanced at the clock at 3:00 p.m., thinking, "Oh nice, one hour to go". Then all hell broke loose. I ended up missing my train, dragging my butt in the house later than I wanted to. Now, having just come in from walking the dogs the winds are howling. With gusts of 90 kmh (about 45 mph) I have a sneaking suspicion we might lose our electricity tonight. Which would mean the alarm won't go off at the right time tomorrow. Now THAT would be a pity. It was +7 today, tomorrow with the windchill it is going to feel like -18. Holy spaghetti Batman, that is some fluctuation. But normal for March, n'est pas? I have battened down the hatchs and unless it's total devastation where we are out of power for days, it wouldn't be so bad to have a bit of a lie-in tomorrow. It's been a bear of a week so far. Not much studio time likely tomorrow. It's library duty in the morning, grocery shopping (hiding the last two slices of bread for Riley's sandwich tomorrow) and picking up my new passport. That all should just have me running for the school bus at the end of the day. BUT Friday is my day for creative endeavors. Stay tuned.


Snap said...

Stay warm!

I haven't gone No Tag yet ... just thinking about it! Swamped with life right now and no time to tag or blog ... photos are backing up! Back to the livestock show today and took more pix. Nice change of pace from a crazy week. Sneak the fun in when we can!

How about some dragon hot air? !!!

oreneta said...

The weather does seem wild over there these days....enjoy the rest!

Brenda said...

Oh I do hope you get some creative time today and that you have a really good day!

Beth said...

I was also dreading a power failure due to those fierce winds – lost my pioneer spirit years ago! Power remains on – hope yours is too.
Passport pick-up – trip coming soon!

(Love your post title.)