She beat me to the posting board, the
Queen of Arts, she did. I was so excited for days before she came. We've been blogging buddies for any number of months, probably since last spring but when we sat down together it was like we were spirit sisters. We talked so much and so fast about everything, jumping from subject to subject, trying to learn it all in the few short hours we had to spend. All those things we choose to not blog about and that don't carry so well in emails either. Our visions and dreams, our stumbling blocks and our beliefs that everything is going to work out just fine. She is originally from my neck of the woods and lucky for me she still visits family here quite often which means other trips will be down the pike before I know it. She's a special soul, you can tell when you look in her eyes and she looks back. We laughed and nodded a lot in agreement - oh yes, me too. If I could choose one word to describe the Queen, it would be Authentic. It was a gift to sit and break muffins with her, and naturally we left a rock behind! Thanks for sharing those parts of yourself with me Kim, they are safe in my heart.

For many reasons this is a poor photo but I love our expressions - my favorite of the ones I took of the two
Kims this week.

And the rock, again the quality is poor, the light was difficult to work with but it has an ethereal quality at the same time.
The joys and the benefits of blogging - new friendships.
Wonderful picture - you both look so happy!
Love the photo and I know exactly what you mean about why you love it -- I can see it too.
Yes, that is the Queen all over -- authentic...she truly rocks and I kept smiling reading her post and now yours about the talk and laughter and sharing and being just get that feel about people before you meet, don't you? So glad you both had such a wonderful time!
Here a chick, there a chick...this chick is coming next time!!! Woot, I'll be on the train to Montreal faster than you can say "bonjour"!!! :)
Oh...your words make me feel so full up. What more could anyone ask than to be seen as authentic? I really love and appreciate that.
Love the sweet photo and our expressions of play too.
Just the beginning, my Chicklet Friend, just the beginning !
Thank you for this beautiful account of our first face to face !
You rocked it, Baby !
I just knew the Kim's would have a wonderful time. Looks like I was correct!
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