I can hardly believe the year is winding down for
*e*'s questions. Five more tags for me to make, two more questions to be posted. The 47
th is, "When you think back to your childhood, what moment first comes to mind?"

I have two strong, first memories. One is a home movie my father made when I was two as I struggled to dress myself. I hold that moment responsible for my low self esteem and poor body image for the first 40-odd years of my life. The second was the fact that I got an "F" in English on my Kindergarten report card because I refused to speak in class. Things that happen in our childhood can seem funny once we are older but at the time they are happening, how we perceive those moments mold who we become.
Can you believe that they would give an F in kindergarten? Thank God we have made a little progress since then, though I am not sure when I think about Riley's teacher deciding to tell them that the big Jolly Fat Guy isn't the one bringing the gifties...Luckily, kids are tougher than we give them credit for.
One of the first memories that popped into my head was being in my tiny bedroom at the first house we every lived in - when I was around 5. I remember I got a giant board on a stand for Christmas - one side was magnetic and the other was a chalk board. I remember loving that board a lot and playing school on it in my room with my stuffed animals all the time. That was also the year my dad actually put carrots and potatoes in a stocking for me under the tree and nothing else because I had been so "bad"???. My mom let him do it, but then brought out the gifts afterwards. Ewww! Don't want to wander down that path on Memory Lane for too long ! ;) I do have many joyous memories of childhood too. I guess this is just the season when those kind of memories come up. Interesting game to play, but only for a little while !
I hope you have a cozy week and that it is easy to find something to wear each day. ;) Oh, and you get an A for talking in my book ! ;)
Big hugs !
An F? In kindergarten? Little wonder this is a vivid memory! Because you refused to speak? So shyness = unacceptable? Incredible!!!!
Here's to tossing those memories that keep us from growing; those memories that were imposed on us by others with a lack of common sense and making room for only memories that help us to become the people we are meant to be!! ♥
You should have been given an A for individuality, spirit and stubbornness. My only memory of kindergarten was nap time. What does that say about me?
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