If we were meeting for coffee today we would be meeting at Starbucks because that was my first stop after my reading time with Riley's class this morning.

I was so relieved that I didn't have to read Mon Chien Balou today because it is getting tiresome for both the kids and me to have an adult sobbing in class.
If we were sitting down with our drinks and muffins I would try not to complain too much about how much P-R-E-C-I-P-I-T-A-T-I-O-N we've had these last ten days. Snow, rain, freezing rain, more snow (and more snow predicted for tomorrow). I forgot to lift out a couple of my garden ornies and this guy was winking at me yesterday.

If we were meeting for coffee this morning I would tell you that I just finished my last mad dash through the malls and with the exception of a bag of Skittles and a Toblerone bar, I am DONE shopping. I feel almost giddy. All my handmade gifts are now done, OK, the calendar is not done but I'm giving myself until the 31st to do that.
Invariably the subject would turn back to the weather and I would really get a good jag of complaining done about how hard December has been already. But if we were meeting for coffee you would know me well enough that winter isn't my season.
I would also tell you about all the Santa sightings around my house this past week. In fact, the other night I had supper with Santa
and yesterday he stopped in to play piano for me. Santa knows everything, it's true. So he knows that I need a little extra cheering up these days. And speaking of ho! ho! ho! - I better go because I intend to make a batch of Christmas cookies this afternoon, in between the shovelling and more complaining about the weather.

Don't forget to stop in at Amy's Lucky 13 if you're still thirsty.

My apologies! I really wanted to meet you at Starbucks to commiserate about the weather. My husband wouldn't let me go because the roads hadn't been plowed yet; my son didn't want me going because he feared black ice under the fresh white crap that feel this morning. Instead, I've spent three days in this place I call "home" watching white stuff falling from the sky and it ain't even winter yet!
Sorry you've had horrid weather.
Snow, freezing rain, -20°C; that's all normal for us out here on the prairies. But if you're not accustomed to it, well, . . . I can understand some frustration on your part.
Do hope you get over the frustration soon. Snow and ice will take a little longer to go.
Sorry you are so buried under...
But glad you have such a cute and well-shaven Santa to boost you up now and then.
Congrats on the termination of shopping. I have another day or so to go, I think or I hope, I should say. Plus baking next week. Kind of enjoying it this year which is nice and a noticed change from last year at this time.
Cozy up to little Mr Claus, now, Momma !
That is the cutest Santa!!
Congratulations on finishing shopping!! It feels so good to get to that point, and to be able to enjoy the rest of December :)
so, i might talk to you even though you're shopping is done :P... and i'd want to see what you MADE! i always need inspiration. can we have a photo? you must be feeling purittty good about yerself!
i used to live in colorado, and i remember one year it started snowing on thanksgiving and didn't stop til about christmas. somehow, though, in colorado, it's not grey and freezy, it's just beautiful. well, make a snowman? santa would probably enjoy it :)
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