This may be turning into a regular Thursday feature. Maybe I should put up a mister linky. Do you have a pet peeve today or is life just a bowl of cherries? This annoys the snot out of me. My housemate(s) who leave the d@#$m cupboard doors open. Just sayin'...

Oh, my husband must be visiting your house! Except he leaves the pantry door open with the light on ... grrr ...
... and also annoying me is the habit of "my people" to swoop into a place like the kitchen where I am working, take over the space (with their loud eating ... and why does a sandwich require so many plates and utensils?) and then just as quickly leave, but of course NOT cleaning up so it looks like a crime scene and I am there to piece together what happened.
Also, I want to say you have a story to tell about your "retreat" on the caboose! Reminds me of a 2 week yoga training at a girl scout camp which we renamed "Rancho del Crap-o" (and i'm sure we paid a lot more for lodging than the girl scouts ever did!)
Eagle medicine? Wow! I've had a few sightings of eagle - once he hovered right over our car and the shadow seemed to cover us - chills! I see hawks ever day ... one lives in our neighborhood and even flew into our window! I am trying to learn more about working with animal medicine ... Pixie Campbell's blog Pink Coyote is a place to start. Let's compare notes over coffee next week?
xo Lis
Pet Peeves?
Mine tend to be more directed at myself than others but they come in multitudes all day long these days...
like the fact that this lazy hibernating chick I am stuck living with because she is me, is spending way too much time sitting on her ever-growing butt and far too little time eating all the "right" foods, preventing this disease, that disease, and getting all of her comfort from carbs, glorious carbs...and that winter is just to f***ing long !
Hmmm, I think I will stick to my smelling the Gerber daisies schitck. It don't make life all a bowl of cherries but it keeps me from choking on the pits...
Hope you find some joy today, My Friend ! Love you !
I do that, one of my husband's pet peeves, agin me!
Lovely clean cupoards! And not stuffed full of so many plates and bowls that you have to take everything out just to find the one you want.
I live with a man who likes doors closed and lights off. I drive him mad because I pass though the house turning on lights and radios. then I come to my computer and ´forget´
but I understand that repetitive things can eventually drive you nuts. Like always finding that damned cupboard open. Can you put something that makes you laugh inside so that at least you will get something good each time you see it? And maybe it will remind him to close it. K x
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