

The front is acrylics, ink, stamps, collage; the back is a gel medium transfer with stamped text.
I'm not overly fond of this one. I think it's because the time I spent making it was very broken up with camp last weekend and preparations for Riley's birthday and party. But I do love the process of what I learned. I learned when I was telling people my owl story that everyone seemed to have one of their own. It was amazing to hear each one and to watch the person speak with such wonder at these creatures. I also learned that (as far as I know) we have only one word for owl in English but in French there are many: hibou, chouette, harfang, hulotte, grand-duc.
This is gorgeous, Kim!
Hoot, hoot, hoot...
A magical experience captured is a great lesson card, I think. I kind if love that you have to look for them on the front - just like you would in your backyard.
i love this too.
of course there's the bird thing -
that will get me every time.
I love this card and yes it is totally true. In Cornwall where I used to live, sometimes, if I was very lucky, a barn owl would fly over the car as I was driving home. Twice I saw one sweep over my field which led me to put up an owl box. It still has a To Let sign though.
Since coming to Catalunya my bird experiences have become more rare and therefore even more precious. It´s just living in a city I suppose. K x
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