Monday, August 31, 2009

September Calendar Page

Crikey! But it was a crazy day. So much I need to do, I need to set some priorities, but for starters, my September calendar page:

My quotes for this month: "When I sit for meditation, I am standing for what I believe in" - Rinpoche and, "Let me listen to me, and not to them" - Gertrude Stein.


Beth said...

There are far too many voices in my head – not à la Sybil – but other peoples’.
Must learn to take Stein’s words to heart.

Sherry said...

Lovely seems "right" for September. September?!? How did it get here already?!?! I was just getting used to August....

Kim Mailhot said...

How did it get to be September ????I just can't believe it ! It feels like I am being left behind as the world goes in fast forward...
Love the quotes.I think they will take you far if you remmeber them for the this crazy month.
Hold on to your hat, here we go !