I recently finished both my fiction and non-fiction book. I usually have one of each going, with the fiction one mostly reading faster. Gail McMeekin's, "The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women," I had mixed feelings about. I'm glad I read it but it did seem a little lofty at times. It comes with very interesting references which I will check out. I have already posted about the chapter on priorities, me coming away thinking there is no way I can dedicate enough of my time to my art since one of my most important priorities is hand raising my son. The following chapter was about our personal saboteurs and I felt a little relieved after that one. I haven't done all the homework in the book yet and one thing I did find interesting was that although she interviewed and included many fascinating women, she admitted there were a number of women she approached that declined to be included in the book because it was gender slanted. I will be the first to admit that we do still live in a patriarchal society, even in 2009, but more and more women are gaining ground as equals, not as "better". To repeat myself, I'm glad I read it.

The fiction book I just finished was recommended by Sherry Lee and what a surprise, the author turns out to be a neighbor of one of my other fellow bloggers, Snap. "The Bright Side of Disaster," by Katherine Center was fun. It was light but intelligently written. A tad predictable, perhaps, but still great vacation reading or perfect for when you've just inundated yourself with more intense material to unwind with and just plain enjoy the pleasure of reading. I will be looking for more of her books at the library.
I like how you blend fiction with non-fiction to keep both parts of your brain entertained and engaged. It's a good practice.
Glad you liked Katherine Center's book -- yes, there were parts that were predictable but I like that from time to time...life can often be predictable and then it can just as easily throw us a curve. The title alone (and that cute rubber ducky!) sealed it for me as a must read!
Katherine is getting ready to turn in her third book for the final editing (according to her husband who we run into at the gym -- I told him I have a friend in Canada who was reading her first book ... he was delighted).
I felt the same way as you about the 12 secrets ... in fact ... there were times when I wanted to throw it across the room. Perhaps it's my age??!!
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