I feel like such a dork. A month or more ago I signed up to participate in the
Wreck This Journal read-along. And I sat waiting for some kind of "OK, we're up and running" email, which never came. Finally, I went over to the
blogsite for it to see if I had written down the date wrong but there was everybody, in full wrecking swing, as it were. Now I've frozen - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! So I did a page at the beginning - "Crack The Spine". See? Perfectly cracked.

I can't even remember how long this process runs for - I'm claiming peri-menopausal syndrome where my hormones take over my brain, leaving me and it devastated and gasping for breath. I might be up to another page tomorrow.
great picture!
btw...the "finish" is written as july 31 on the blog :)
enjoy the wrecking!
Don't feel bad. I've had the book for months and haven't cracked the spine yet ... I did sleep with it though. :D
My book just arrived on Saturday so I am just beginning too but once started, it is hard to stop!
Here's to cracking the spine and diving in!
I'm sorry you didn't get the email. I sent one early last week as a reminder that we were starting. Maybe it ended up in your junkmail. Do you have a way to add me to your 'safe senders' list?
Thanks for visitiing my blog. :) You can be brave, too! Today I'm going to take the book into the shower with me... that should wreck it up real good, hahaha. Have fun.. glad I inspired you to be more reckless!
I don't think you're a dork...I think you signed up thinking there would be a word about a beginning...I could see myself doing something similar. But don't you just hate to be late to the party??
heehee...this is soo much fun! tonite when you get in the shower...just 'drop' the book at your feet...and sing a song...shower....drop the soap...heehee...
have fun! xx
I saw your note on Kim's blog about being ambivalent about coaching. I finally hired a coach and I am finding the process fantastic. email me at katespin@yahoo.com if you have questions. I'd be glad to share.
most peculiar, maybe i'm missing something... cuz i'm lost :(
i also see only women's names....
i was wondering what a cracked spine looked like, so thank you for the pictures!!
i used to work at a bookstore so to find a book with a cracked spine always made us a bit mad as we had to send it back. so, one of the first things i did to mine was crack the spine!! :)
If you equate the spine with the central nervous system, you have made a huge step. Now you're all set to go for the jugular. hehehe (ps Breaking the spine was the first thing I did, too.)
I started with the crumple page but just you wait, this book is adicting and creatively freeing. Happy Wrecking!
Great Start! I also started with cracking the spine. And now my journal is sticky and wordy and has a number - only one number. Tee hee!
That was so cute. A creative way to document a cracked spine. An excellent entrance.
Glad you found it and jumped in. Everyone is so creative with they're journal wrecking. Happy wrecking!
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