Last weekend I bought an orange coloured cauliflower. In the past I have bought all the different designer colours purple, green and goes-with-everything-white. I have been noticing all week while cutting it up that it has these rings of orange colour down the stems and I have been wondering what in the heck "they" colour it with. Does anybody know? Do they water it with food colouring while it's growing? Do they inject it with food colouring shortly before sending it to market? What other colours have they tried to produce, but failed? Did red turn into a grotesque pink? Did they ever try to make a
gothic (black) one? I am curious and a little perturbed. But I might stick with the classic white from now on.
This is a first for me...I've never seen cauliflower any other colour but cool is that??
BTW -- the new blog look is great and the banner? FABULOUS!!! Glad it worked!
You've been redecorating! Nice. I only eat white cauliflower simply because I don't know how the mysterious *they* get the odd colors. Good question. If you find out, I want to know.
Bad enough knowing so much of our food is "tinkered" with - I avoid the obvious "tinkers." They just look so wrong.
Love the new look!
Oh the new banner is gorgeous ! Love, love, love the little bird ! I hope you love your new home !;)
What they do with our food is scary to me and sometimes, I think Miss Worries All The Time is better off not knowing ! It is white cauliflower for me though !
Here's to colour !Happy Monday !
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