Eeeek, my first video blog. I still hate the way my voice sounds and forgive me all the "ummmms" and "aaaaahs", I was pretty nervous and even though I frequently talk to myself, this was of a different caliber. I also avoided putting my face in, I think the wrecked pages is enough ugly for one post.
Review: I Leave It Up to You
5 days ago
silly Girl ! Don't call your face ugly !!!
Looks like you are starting to loosen up in the wrecking process ! Congrats on taking the leap to video !
great start!
i am going to have to try that video blogging :)
You are not ugly! Stop that right this minute! Lovely voice. The video was fun. So glad you did it!
Well done! I too am not ready to take the journal in the shower! So you're not alone there ... see you at next round of wrecking! :)
Wow! I must admit the idea of vlogging is growing on me a little...
You voice sounds lovely - great video!
Wreck that put down! Your are lovely and so is the wrecking :)
I love that you are vlogging your journey through Wreck This Journal instead of simply blogging. You go girl!
And see, I was afraid to video blog because I didn't want people to see me either, but you were very clever in getting around that! I may have to blatantly rip off that idea, myself! I also love that you used random page numbers. THAT would be super hard for me to do. I'm impressed!
Great beginning. I like the way you're going in slowly, bit by bit. I'm doing the same thing, and as I keep going back to it, I find I get more daring as I push the boundaries. I think you will find the same thing happening.
And like everyone says... don't put yourself down.
Everything I see is lovely.
I loved your voice, and I didn't think you sounded hesistant at all! I've found once you go for the gusto its not longer pretty and then its easy to destroy the rest! You've done great so far, looking forward to seeing how you are doing next week!
Wow, look at all your comments. Great video and I love your voice! I still don't get why people buy a book only to wreck it, I'd rather spend my money on a book to keep - but hey, that's me.
Yay to taking the step into vlogging. It was great to hear your lovely voice and I'll look forward to seeing beautiful you too!
I hope your book enjoyed the coffee :)
Go throw that journal out of the window - it's great fun and it doesn't mind too much!
Love the part about daringly going outside of the designated punch areas on the "punch holes in this page" page *grin* And I loved your comment on my blog about needing a book club; people to egg you on...perfect!
Way to go on the vlogging. I haven't ventured into that yet - I don't have a video camera! You're doing a great job. We'll both let go more and more as the weeks go by, I'm sure!
Nicely done on your vlog! I so want to try that. Need to get a camera first. :-)
So great to hear your voice Kim!! Next time we'll see your beautiful face!!!
I laughed at putting the fruit stickers in the book...I take those off my fruit all the time, they stick to my fingers and then when I try to put them in the garbage they get stuck on the bag!! Way cool!!
Remember...we're all anxious to see your beautiful smiling face in your next vlog!!!!
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