When we got up this morning Riley declared he had a loose tooth. Such excitement! He wiggled it and wiggled it. When I sent him off to school I was hoping it wouldn't come out while he was there, and it would get lost. I was sort of preparing myself for this first milestone for a while. But he just turned six two days ago, I thought I had a couple of months to get used to the change in his looks. Thursday mornings I do library duty at his school and naturally, its the morning that his class passes through. I asked his teacher if she had heard the "news". And said, "oh yes, Riley has told and shown the whole class his tooth". When he got off the bus this afternoon he was grinning and ridiculously excited AND minus one tooth. Horrors! I thought. His first tooth and I don't have it to cling to, and, less selfishly, that we don't have it to tuck under his pillow. He claimed he had it under his coat. Not in his pocket, but under his coat. At home he proudly displayed it. I can't say enough good things about his teacher. This lady was p-r-e-p-a-r-e-d. Around his neck was a little plastic container in the shape of a tooth, looped onto a string. Inside lay his little lost tooth. How fabulous is this?!

And the hole, because I have a bit of a morbid fascination with it....

And now for something completely different. I tried, lord knows I tried, to get some work in my studio done today. Especially since I have two new projects to make (OWOH winners) as well as all the other pieces I have on the go. All I managed to do was finish up my journal page. But I quite like it. I added some words, not too keen on those instructions from my course, I found myself kind of stilted there. But it was an interesting experiment. Here it is full page and two details. I do like some of the imagery, would like to take it further outside my journal pages onto a canvas or some sturdy paper.

Oh, how gorgeous is that little tooth holder, what a gem of a teacher he has. don't you just love it when they lose their first tooth, the excitement of it all. Love your journal pages. Maybe you should do a tooth page.
What an amazing teacher.
Wait until Riley loses his top front teeth - that will make for a great picture - and a precious lisp!
I'm so impressed with both the images and the words chosen for your journal page. Well done.
What a wonderful teacher! Sounds like she has been around kids for a long time. The first tooth lost is such a big deal and I bet the Tooth Fairy was very kind!
I like the journal pages. I'm with Brenda -- a tooth page is called for!
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