I did not plant this white hollyhock. I love hollyhocks but I planted a deep pink one and the seeds for a purpley-black one. The seeds I took from a friend's garden so I'm sure of their origin. It's been about three years I've tried to seed the black ones but they never seem to take so this year when I saw one coming up where I had seeded I was ecstatic. It now stands taller than my 5 foot 5 inch frame but when I came home from the cabin today I saw white blooms. Could I have blanched them with the language I often use in the garden?

Over the weekend I went with my sister to the annual 1001 Pots exhibit in Val-David, an outdoor pottery show that is really extraordinary. Despite the torrential rains I found some new friends - a bobble head and a birdbath.

I laughed out loud at "blanching". Mother Nature knows best -- she wanted white! Love your new purchases -- loads of color. I made a trip to the post office to pick up an envelope from a friend. Wonderful, wonderful. Photos on Monday....!!!!
I thought that garedning was relaxing - how come you use "blanching" language ? ;)
Too bad about the rain ! It has finally turned here - my sister and her sweet gang are coming down for a few days from La Conception tomorrow. We will hit the beach at Ogunquit Maine on Wed. Not hot weather (in the high 70's - low 80's) but blue skies and gorgeous ! Hopefully it will hit up there soon too !
Love your bird bath - so colorful !
I'm still laughing at you "blanching" your hollyhocks with your colourful langauge! That is a mystery indeed...I often blame the squirrels when things go belly up in my garden!
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