Monday, July 6, 2009

Come A Little Closer...

.... said the spider to the fly. I seem to have plenty of spiders and flies in my neck of the woods. As long as they stay outside.


Sherry said...

Eeeekkk!!! That thing can stay outside thank you very much!!

Snap said...


Kim Mailhot said...

ewww ! What is going on with you Montreal Chicks ? My sister had a picture of a dock spider the size of my hand on her Facebook and now you have the fly close-up to go with it ! You are all going buggy on me !

Scarlet said...

Anything but spiders! Ew! I get lizards, iguanas and the occasional alligator from the canal.

laughingwolf said...

yeah, keep spiders close and soon all crummy bugs will be gone... ;)