I'm still picking myself up off the floor. Who knew? The amazing
Brenda has nominated me for my first blog award. And it's a goodie (as Wall-E would say).
The Marie Antoinette,
Real Person, A Real AwardI love the idea that I'm a real person as I frequently have doubts.
Here are the rules for the award (which I have stolen word for word, or copy and paste, as we say in blog land from the aforementioned
1. Put the picture of Marie Antoinette on your blog.
2. Link to the person from whom you received the award.
3. Nominate at least 7 or more blogs.
4. Link to those blogs from your blog.
5. Leave a comment on their blogs to let them know you've shared the award with them.
I'm not sure I know seven bloggers worthy of this award, which is not to say they don't exist, only that I don't follow that many. But I'll start and see how many I can ferret out. So, in no order of importance, but in the order that they appear in my bookmarks:
Kal -
[i] love lifeKaren -
karenika.comSnap -
tales from twisty laneOreneta -
orenata agroundBeth -
books etc.Garden hoe -
eat my yardMama tulip -
where am I going and why am I in this hand basketThese ladies inspire me, make me laugh, make me feel - well, human. So what better way to honor than to give them this Real Person Award.
(Brenda, I would have put you up there too, but didn't know if it was within the guidelines to re-gift it!)